Temperament blends

We are not of purely One Temperament. We all are blended. We operate from One primary or dominant temperament and one secondary temperament.

We All Are Blended

We are not of purely One Temperament. We all have characteristics of all the four temperaments but we operate from the blend of one Primary or Dominant Temperament and one Secondary Temperament.


If you have already self-assessed yourself, the following will help you correlate with the Temperament Glossary;
PP, PC, PM & PP :

PS: Popular Temperament  (Popular Sanguine)
PC: Powerful Temperament  (Powerful Choleric)
PM: Perfect Temperament (Perfect Melancholy)
PP: Peaceful Temperament (Peaceful Phlegmatic)

(In case you are yet to self-assess yourself, you can do so by choosing the assessment tab at the bottom of this page)

Let’s Explore Blends

What are blends?

We are not ‘One’ temperament.  We are Blended. We all are Blended.

We are not of singular temperament or one inherent personality styles but we are a combination of temperaments. 

After defining each Temperament or Inherent Personality Style in ‘black & white’ we must realize that no one of us is completely of one temperament type.  Each of us is a blend of two or occasionally three types.  One temperament type or inherent personality type is dominant and the other is secondary.  And don’t forget the upbringing, nurturing, training, lifestyle and other circumstances may have forced an individual to function “off style’. The saddest and unhappy people we have seen are those who have “put on” a style that is not theirs naturally for so long that it has become a habitual way of life. And that what we call a Borrowed Style.

There are twelve combinations of temperaments and it may give you a more accurate version of your style.

The brief introduction of all the twelve combinations of temperament (blends) are given below.

And before going into knowing all about those twelve blends just read a few lines below.

Each Person Is a Unique Blend!

As we have discussed that each one of us is blended with two or more temperaments.  Knowing &  understanding these blends will unfold the mysteries of our behavior, our way of working, our quality of the relationship, and our successful growth.

As you have scored your personality profile, you have found that you are unique. Probably no one else ever come up with the exact blend of strengths and weaknesses you have. Most people have high totals in one temperament, with a secondary in another temperament and some scattered traits. Some people are evenly distributed, and these are usually The Peaceful Phlegmatics, for they are the all-purpose people and also the ones who have the most difficulty in deciding their traits.

How do blends work?

Mainly there are three Blends. 

1.    Natural Blends: Natural blends are those where both temperaments are outgoing, optimistic, and outspoken like Popular Sanguine/ Powerful Choleric combination or Peaceful Phlegmatic/Perfect Melancholy combination.

2.    Complimentary Blends: Complementary blend is a combination that fits well together and completes the lacks in each other’s natures. like Powerful Choleric/Perfect Melancholy combination or Peaceful Phlegmatic/Popular Sanguine combination.

3.    Opposite Blends. – These are opposite tendencies not benefiting each other. Actually, they are of conflicting nature.  Having this blend makes a person moody or confused or act strangely. They are not clear about themselves and many times find themselves in a fix — the introvert and extrovert natures with the optimistic/pessimistic outlook.

Identifying your blend?

If you have self-assessed yourself its easy to find out what combination of temperaments you have, what blend you are. Your score in the assessment will give you a clear picture of your blend.

Watch your score and see the highest and second-highest score, this is your blend. For example, if you have scored highest in Powerful (PC) and second highest in Perfect (PM) then your blend is Powerful+Perfect but if you have the highest in Perfect (PM) and second highest in POwergful (PP) then your blend in Perfect+Poweerfgul.

NOTE 1: If you haven’t self-assessed yourself you can discuss with your coach or go to the bottom of this page to take the self-assessment test yourself.

NOTE 2: If your blend comes out as either opposite or spread evenly in all temperaments, you do need to consult with your coach and seek a more deep understanding of your nature

Types of blends?

There are twelve blends of temperament in a combination of natural, complementary, and opposite.

Special Note :

SPECIAL NOTE: This information is being updated soon with more insights and observations. Till then If you would like to know more about the Blends especially you can contact your coach and ask about them specifically.

1.  Popular – Powerful (PS+PC)

(Natural Blend)

Both the temperament are outgoing and needs people. They are extrovert and gain enegfy from outisde.

2.  Popular – Peaceful (PS+PP)

(Complimentary Blend)

These temperaments compliment and increase the strengths of each other and cancel out many weaknesses of one another.

3.  Popular – Perfect (PS+PM)

(Opposite Blend)

These blends are neither natural nor complimentary and can put some internal conflicts in the person. And there are chances that one temperament out of the two is a learned response to the challenges or situations of the past which we call “Masks of Survival” or “Masking”.

4.  Powerful – Popular  (PC+PS)

(Natural Blend)

Both the temperament are outgoing and needs people. They are extrovert and gain enegfy from outisde.

5.  Powerful – Perfect (PC+PM)

(Complimentary Blend)

These temperaments compliment and increase the strengths of each other and cancel out many weaknesses of one another.

6. Powerful – Peaceful (PC+PP)

(Opposite Blend)

These blends are neither natural nor complimentary and can put some internal conflicts in the person. And there are chances that one temperament out of the two is a learned response to the challenges or situations of the past which we call “Masks of Survival” or “Masking”.

7.  Perfect – Powerful (PM+PC)

(Complimentary Blend)

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8.  Perfect – Peaceful (PM+PP)

(Natural Blend)

Both the temperament are introverts and need personal space. They are both gain energy from inside.

9.  Perfect – Popular (PM+PS)

(Opposite Blend)

These blends are neither natural nor complimentary and can put some internal conflicts in the person. And there are chances that one temperament out of the two is a learned response to the challenges or situations of the past which we call “Masks of Survival” or “Masking”.

10.  Peaceful – Perfect  (PP+PM)

(Natural Blend)

Both the temperament are introverts and need personal space. They are both gain energy from inside.

11. Peaceful – Popular (PP+PS)

(Complimentary Blend)

These temperaments compliment and increase the strengths of each other and cancel out many weaknesses of one another.

12. Peaceful – Powerful  (PP+PC)

(Opposite Blend)

These blends are neither natural nor complimentary and can put some internal conflicts in the person. And there are chances that one temperament out of the two is a learned response to the challenges or situations of the past which we call “Masks of Survival” or “Masking”.


When we go through the understanding of temperaments we find out that none of us are from single temperament but at combinations of two or three, called blends. Kowing our blends will help us to decide why we do what we do and what we can do about it.

Temperament blends also help us to discover and work on our strengths and give a clearer glimpse of our weak areas. 

If you have already self-assessed than discuss it with your coach and work out a customized plan for your self-growth and for dealing with others around you.

The Probable Next Step!

If you are on the journey of knowing and understanding yourself by understanding your Inborn Temperament, do go deep in knowing about all The Four Temperament so as to get a complete big picture of Nature and Nurture. If you are already working with your coach, make sure you do discussion, debate, questioning, seek clarity and reach to a mutual conclusion about your own Inborn Temperament.