Information | Knowledge | Insights

Here at Know Your True Self® Research Academy(KYTS Research)we make sure that the insights of the fields we are researching in, should make sense to common people and they can use the knowledge and information discovered in the research in making their daily lives more significant and meaningful. We invite different views on one subject so that we can see it holistically and can know the other side of the coin too.

Research Fields

With the intention to make a complex subject easy to understand and useful to common people we are currently researching in the following fields :
  • HIBT – Human Inherent Behaviour Traits
    • Inherent Behaviors Traits are those human behavior traits that are embedded in our basic nature. These are those foundational behaviors or personality traits that act as a foundational stone of our personality. Our parenting, nationality, environment, surroundings, peers, teachers, and role models can give shape to our foundational stone but the material of foundational stone remains the same throughout our lives like the color and size of our eyes. And when we understand that base material than only we tend to understand why we act the way do, why we think the way we think, and why we feel the way we feel.
  • Emotional Health and Wellness
    • We are not what we do. We are not who we think we are. We are also not what others think who we are. We are more than that. We are bigger than that. We are deeper than that. We are human beings with unlimited potential and possibilities. And to understand that first, we need to understand that we are human beings first than anything else. And when we understand that, then we realize that we are emotional beings first then anything else. And that’s why the emotional health and wellness plays a huge role in our life’s true success and significance. Avoiding, ignoring and discarding emotions is the biggest cause of physical and mental health issues. Going deep into the world of emotions lets us meet the true us – as human beings and demystify the mystery of the connection of emotional health to our happiness and success.
  • Mind-Body connection
    • More and more researches are proving the strong invisible connection of mind and body. More and more curiosity is there to understand the underlying bonding of those subconscious level activities which are governing our conscious behavior, physical and mental health, quality of relationships and the purpose of being. Going deep into the mind-body connection takes us to the mysterious world of universal intelligence and principals.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
    • These highly heard and used worlds are mostly misunderstood and misinterpreted especially in today’s world. Though they are more relevant and required in today’s chaotic and unpredictable world, they are often taken very lightly and exercised even more casually. But when we go deep we understand the power and impact of these simple methods and also get to know how they influence our personal and professional lives in a dramatic way and helps us become more grounded in these uncertain and chaotic times.
  • Spirituality
    • A very important aspect and mostly taken as out of the world or a very niche area of human life. In fact the world spiritual makes many of us think at a very different level And many times that level is so high that we disconnect this aspect from our daily practical lives.
  • Universal Laws
    • Universal Laws
We, at Know Your True Self® Research Foundation (KYTS RF) are dedicated to bringing the best of human nature out at the surface in order to make sure we live our lives to the fullest, nurture great families and build happy & compassionate communities.