This assessment deals with aspects of Emotional Intelligence

A Brief Intro

Not education. Not experience. Not knowledge or intellectual horsepower. None of these serve as an adequate predictor as to why one person succeeds and another doesn’t. There is something else going on that society doesn’t seem to account for. And that aspect is called Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence if taken into its simple form is  – awareness of, understanding, and dealing with our own emotions and emotions of others around us and how emotions influence our lives so fundamentally every day. 

Research on Emotional intelligence suggested that 

Emotions can help us and they can hurt us, but we have no say in the matter until we understand them. This assessment will help you to identify your Emotional Intelligence levels in its five important areas and let you know in which areas you are strong and in which areas you need to work to have a meaningful, significant, and happy life. Thios assessment will help you to assess yourself in the following five areas of Emotional Intelligence :

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Empathy
  • Relationships
  • Motivation and resilience


Impact of Emotional Intelligence**

Not only in our personal lives but also in our professional lives the impact off Emotional Intelligence is huge. Emotional Intelligence is so critical to success that it accounts for 58 percent of performance in all types of jobs. Its the singly biggest predictor of performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence.

In order to be successful and fulfilled nowadays, we must learn to maximize our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills.

**NOTE: Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer coined the term ‘Emotional Intelligence‘ in 1990 describing it as “a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action”. But in 1995, Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.” popularized this concept in the mainstream. 


As we described earlier above that in simple terms Emotional Intelligence is the ability to know, understand ad manage our own emotions and emotions of others, it is also to note that Emotional Intelligence is a skill that can be developed and improved and is not fixed as temperament and IQ. And that’s why we can see at what level we are at in those five important aspects of Emotional Intelligence and improve upon them if required.

This self-assessment will help you discover your Emotional Intellkignrec Quotient.

NOTE: Though these questionnaires are for self-assessment the best results you will get when you discuss the result with your coach.  

Take Your Emotional Intelligence Assessment

A brief Into

There is 30 general life statement in the assessment. Each statement describes a situation or event in our lives and we need to rate our response to those situations by giving each statement a score from 1 to 5 using the following key scale:

  • 1 = Rarely like me
  • 2 = Occasionally like me
  • 3 = Sometimes like me
  • 4 = Often like me
  • 5 = Always (or almost always) like me


Statement: When I feel someone is creating pressure on me I feel suffocated but could not express my feelings.

If your response to this statement it as “Often like Me” you will write 4 if your response is “Rarely like me” you will write 1.

Once completed, transfer your answers on to the results sheet and discover your current EQ levels.

Read it carefully before  taking the Emotional Intelligence Assessment

It is a pen & paper assessment, as we believe that when you do it by sitting with yourself, uninterrupted and noting down your responses to the situations and statements with a pen on a paper, it will produce much better results in accuracy than an automated online test.

We recommend that you read the following suggestions before you take the detailed Self-Assessment for Emotional Intelligence.

  • Take the assessment on a day when you are feeling relaxed and not stressed out
  • Pick a cozy, comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted
  • Don’t analyze or think too deeply about each statement, your first impression is usually the best


  • For an outside view of yourself, it can be enlightening to have a partner or friend answer for you. Compare your results with your friend’s or partner’s score. If the two tallies differ, talk about both of your views
  • If you are already in coaching, share the results with your coach and have a discussion over it

Please continue to the next section for taking the Emotional Intelligence Assessment


It is a pen & paper assessment, as we believe that when you do it by sitting with yourself, uninterrupted, and noting down your responses to the situations and statements with a pen on a paper, it will produce much better results in accuracy and create a much deeper experience than an automated online test.

Just to remind there is 30 general life statement in the assessment. Each statement describes a situation or event in our lives and we need to rate our response to those situations by giving each statement a score from 1 to 5 using the following key scale:

  • 1 = Rarely like me
  • 2 = Occasionally like me
  • 3 = Sometimes like me
  • 4 = Often like me
  • 5 = Always (or almost always) like me


Statement: When I feel someone is creating pressure on me I feel suffocated but could not express my feelings.

If your response to this statement it as “Often like Me” you will write 4 if your response is “Rarely like me” you will write 1.

Once completed, transfer your answers on to the results sheet and discover your current EQ levels.

Detailed Emotional Intelligence Assessment

  1. I know the situations and/or people that are likely to make me angry…………

  2. When I have completed a difficult action, I make sure to appreciate my work…………

  3. When writing a message or email I consider how the person receiving it will feel………..

  4. I always give credit publicly to those who help …………

  5. When things go wrong or I am disappointed in an outcome, I am still optimistic about better outcomes……….

  6. When I get angry or frustrated I am able to discover the cause………..

  7. When I get angry or frustrated I remain composed in my behaviors………..

  8. I am able to recognize when others are nervous around me…………

  9. I am open to thoughts and suggestions of others even if they disagree with me………..

  10. I view problems as challenges to resolve……….

  11. I realize when my energy is low………

  1. I am clear about what actions I need to take after meeting with others………..

  2. When I am in a small group situation I attempt to assess the mood of each person………..

  3. When with someone who is angry or frustrated I adjust my behavior to work with them……….

  4. Upon receiving bad news I give myself time to reflect, absorb, and then move on……….

  5. I am aware of the impact my communication has on others………

  6. I admit to my own mistakes………

  7. I try to identify and understand the emotions and feelings of others………..

  8. I am patient with others while teaching them something new……….

  9. When I feel disappointed I am able to express that disappointment and keep going……….

  1. I am aware of how my mood and communication might affect others around me………

  2. I observe others to model and learn new behaviors or skills beneficial to me……….

  3. If someone shows frustration, anger, or irritation I try to understand what they are feeling………

  4. I welcome feedback from others……….

  5. I am able to accept and adjust when major plans are changed………….

  6. When feeling sad or down I can identify the ………

  7. When a bad mood comes over me I am able to remain patient with others……….

  8. I put myself in the place of others to understand how they feel and how I might feel in that situation……….

  9. I encourage others to give me feedback even if they disagree with me……….

  10. When upset about a personal issue I find it difficult to concentrate………

NOTE: Now if you want you can re-read the statements above and check your scores again.

Now you can go to the next action below to see the results of your Emotional Intelligence Assessment.

How to Read your Emotional Intelligence Assessment


Re-read the statements above and your response number as per the following table. The following table is having space for your scores from serial number 1 to serial number 30.

Write your response number in front of respective serial numbers through 1 to 230.

Now when you are finished with posting your response numbers in front of each serial number, total each column in row six where Total is written.


Self-Awareness Self-Management Empathy Relationships Motivation/Resilience
1) ...............
2) ...............
3) ...............
4) ...............
5) ...............
6) ...............
7) ...............
8) ...............
9) ...............
10) ...............
11) ...............
12) ...............
13) ...............
14) ...............
15) ...............
16) ...............
17) ...............
18) ...............
19) ...............
20) ...............
21) ...............
22) ...............
23) ...............
24) ...............
25) ...............
26) ...............
27) ...............
28) ...............
29) ...............
30) ...............
Total : ..............
Total : ..............
Total : ..............
Total : ..............
Total : ..............


Now see your total in each column and understand your current level of Emotional Intelligence in all the five important aspects as under :

SCORE  6 – 12

  • Room for improvement
    • If in any of the five aspects you got between 6-12, that means that areas required to be improved upon to bring your emotional intelligence to a notch above from where it is today.

SCORE  13 – 23

  • Good/effective
    • If in any of the five aspects you got between 13-23, that means you are good and effective in that aspect of Emotional Intelligence and if you continue working like this you are on the way to be highly effective in the times to come. 
    • Keep up the good work.

SCORE  24 – 30

  • Excellent/Highly Effective
    • If in any of the five aspects you got between 24-30, that means you are already very effective in that aspect of Emotional Intelligence and whoever comes in contact with you is always finds that he is talking to a really mature and understanding person.
    • Keep spreading positivity and empathy.


  • For an outside view of yourself, it can be enlightening to have a partner or friend answer for you. Compare your results with your friend’s or partner’s score. If the two tallies differ, talk about both of your views
  • If you are already in coaching, share the results with your coach and have a discussion over it
  • If after the assessment you think you need help in developing any of the aspects of Emotional Intelligence, you can take help from your coach.

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