This assessment deals with the temperament – Human Inherent Behavior Traits

A Brief Intro

This assessment will help you discover your true nature, your temperament. Temperament, in psychology broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values, and attitudes. This is that part of your personality that does not change throughout our lives and is at the foundation of our being. 

This assessment refers to the ancient base of Four Temperament Theory and taken from the foundation of all behavioral theories prevalent in the world today.

NOTE: There are various personality theories prevalent in the world today which all claim that they produce the most accurate results. But even the most favored personality theories have not come out as perfect. So we have decided to take the base of all personality theory to keep the confusion at the minimum and kept the process simple to understand and apply.


To know and understand your temperament, your true nature, here we are providing you with a self-assessment questionnaire. In fact, its not a questionnaire, its a multiple-choice type document where there are no statements are given but the only word, which has their own meaning and can be converted into a statement. These words are based on scientific studies and are taken from well researched material and sources.

NOTE: Though this multiple choice type document is for self-assessment the best results you will get when you discuss the result with your coach.  

Take Your Temperament Assessment



A brief Into

This assessment will be completed in three steps.


There we have two pages namely Strengths & Areas to Work-Upon. Both pages have 20 lines of four word-options each. For example 

Line 1 –  Word 1  | Word 2   |  Word 3  |  Word 4
Line 2 –  Word 1  | Word 2   |  Word 3  |  Word 4 
Line 20 –  Word 1  | Word 1   |  Word 3  |  Word 4

You have to select at least one or at most three choices of a word that describes you the most. In some rare cases if you feel no word is describing you, just tick at least one which is closest in describing you.

Do this for both Strengths and Areas To Work Upon pages.


Once you finished tick marking your choice on both the pages, then move on to Step 2 where you have to transfer whatever choice you have tick marked in Step 1, here in Step 2. Remember words on both pages are the same, but In Step 2 the sequence of the words is changed. For example,

if Line 1 of Step 1 has the options as :  Word 1  | Word 2   |  Word 3  |  Word 4

then Line 1 of Step 2 may have the options as :  Word 3  | Word 1   |  Word 4  |  Word 2

NOTE: When you transfer the tickmarks in Step 2, you need not rethink your choice which you already made in Step 1. Here in Step 2 you just have to transfer the tickmarks from Step 1 without changing anything.


Here is Step 3 you need to do a total of four columns on each individual page of Strengths and Areas to0 Work Upon. And after that, you need to do the total of columns on both Page 1 and Page 2 and write here at the end of Page 2.

The grand total will come under the four two-letter code given at the end of the test.

PS      PC     PM     PP


When you finish the assessment, stay in touch with your coach to discuss the results and understanding of your temperament in details.

Read it carefully before  taking the Temperament Assessment

It is a pen & paper assessment, as we believe that when you do it by sitting with yourself, uninterrupted, and noting down your responses to the options with a pen on a paper, it will produce much better results in accuracy than an automated online test.

We recommend that you read the following suggestions before you take the detailed Temperament Assessment

  • Take the assessment on a day when you are feeling relaxed and not stressed out
  • Pick a cozy, comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted
  • Don’t analyze or think too deeply about each statement, your first impression is usually the best


  • For an outside view of yourself, it can be enlightening to have a partner or friend answer for you. Compare your results with your friend’s or partner’s score. If the two tallies differ, talk about both of your views
  • If you are already in coaching, share the results with your coach and have a discussion over it

Please continue to the next section for taking the Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Temperament Assessment

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