Our Outside (World) is the
Exact Reflection of our Inside (World).
Hi, This is Mahesh Sharma.
I am glad to have you here and welcome you on this exclusive where I take the opportunity to share with you my professional credentials and my overall learning curve, which may help you in deciding to go ahead working with me or hiring me or associating with me. If you still want to look at my detailed profile, you may visit this page Mahesh Sharma Official Profile.
Though I strongly believe that our experience, our work, the result we produce and the value we create our clients are much more important than our degrees, certifications or any other professional qualification, yet I have high regard for these professional qualifications as these provides the confidence and assurance to those who want to work with us and also keeps our own learning at par with the current advancements and development in the field.
Thanks again for thinking about working with me. Hope this page will help you to know, understand and what you are looking for.
Mahesh Sharma
Coach | Humanist | Researcher
Mahesh Sharma – Credentials
- Internationally certified LIFE Purpose Coach
- Practising Personal Performance Coach
- Master EFT Practitioner & workshop facilitator
- Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner
- Certified NLP Practitioner
- Certified Timeline Therapy Practitioner
- Inherent Temperament Expert
- Keynote & Workshop Speaker
- Corporate & SME trainer
- Founder & Chief Mentor – Know Your True Self Research Academy (www.kyts.in)
- Co-Founder & Associate Mentor – SARTRAC Global
Certification authentication Url: https://certifiedcoachesalliance.org/verified/756845_MSharma.png
Certification authentication Url: https://certifiedcoachesalliance.org/certificates/grad_clc_756845.htm

Mahesh Sharma – Ongoing Learning Curve
- 10 Years in the Indian Army
- Two decades of Entrepreneurship experience in the areas of education, self-help, and alternate franchise
- Founder & Chief Mentor – Know Your True Self Research Academy (www.kyts.in)
- Co-Founder – SARTRAC Global (www.sartracglobal.com)
- 4 years of hands-on experience dealing with family business stakeholders
- Hands-on experience of 13+ years of personal coaching and mentoring
- 3000+ hours of individual coaching experience
- 275+ Energy Psychology & Behavioural Sciences workshops
- 200+ Personal Coaching associates
- Life Coaching Practice since 2008
- Appeared on live TV shows in the areas of relationship management, career, and passion development
- Around two decades of practical experience of understanding & working with human inherent behaviour
- One of the pioneer promoters of Emotional Health & Wellbeing in the country since 2005
**Updated: 15 Sep 2021