This assessment deals with aspect of Introversion and Extraversion

A Brief Intro

There are two assessments below which will help you discover your inclination towards Introversion or Extraversion**. As we know that Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung has introduced these terms into the lexicon of the science world.

Introversion and Extraversion** are on the opposite ends of an energy continuum. Where we fall on that continuum predicts, how we drive our life energy. People on the more introverted end of the continuum focus inward to gain energy. People on the more extroverted end of the continuum focus outward to gain energy. This fundamental difference in focus can be seen in practically everything we do.

NOTE: ** This term is pronounced with two different spellings. Extraversion and Extroversion. The original word for this term is Extraversion but we also pronounce it as Extroversion. You can see the difference and history of these terms here.  We at Know Your True Self® Research Academy chooses to use the term with its original pronunciation as Extraversion.


To know and understand your own inclination in this continuum of Introversion and Extraversion, here we are providing you with some self-assessment questionnaires. These questionnaires are based on scientific studies and are taken from well researched material and sources.

NOTE: Though these questionnaires are for self-assessment the best results you will get when you discuss the result with your coach.  

Take Your Introversion Self-Assessment

Look at the list of key qualities below. Which list feels more like you, or is more like you most of the time?

Answer as you are, not as you would like to be. Go with your first impression.

NOTE: Not every characteristic on the list will fit.

Qualities A


  • Relish variety, bored with the sameness
  • Know lots of people, consider them friends
  • Enjoy chitchatting, even with strangers
  • Feel stoked after activity, eager for more
  • Speak or act without needing to think first
  • Are generally quite peppy
  • Tend to talk more than listen
  • Prefer collaborating and working together rather than alone
  • Love the work and to be productive
  • Dislike emotions and feelings
  • Dislike display of love & appreciation in open
  • Like moving to action quickly
  • Have little need for friends
  • Like to take decisions faster

People refer to you as

  • Talkative
  • Having a good sense of humor
  • Has energy and enthusiasm
  • Exciting and confident
  • Knowledgeable and smart
  • Dynamic and active
  • Who organizes well
  • Practical
  • Straightforward
  • Helpful

Qualities B


  • Prefer to relax alone or with a few closed friends
  • Consider only deep relationships as friends
  • Need rest after outside activities, even ones you enjoy
  • Often listen but talk a lot about topics of importance to you
  • Appear calm, self-contained, and like to observe
  • Tend to think before you speak or act
  • Experience mind going blank in groups or under pressure
  • Don’t like feeling rushed
  • Have a need to analyze deeply
  • Are critical of self
  • Are sensitive to others
  • Find it difficult to get along with strangers
  • Set a high standard for yourself and others
  • Find it difficult to have consistency
  • Make friends cautiously
  • Want to keep the low-key personality
  • Find it difficult to show enthusiasm and excitement
  • Enjoy watching rather than doing an action
  • Find it difficult to accept appreciation and praise from others

People refer to you as

  • Analytical
  • Calm
  • Peaceful
  • Takes things seriously
  • Rather slow
  • Sensitive
  • Talking less
  • Appreciative of beauty
  • Take life easily
  • Slow in decision making

See, share and discuss the observation

Which list of qualities above describes you best?

Which list of qualities do you find more closer to real you?

If it is LIST A, you are an Extrovert. If it is LIST B, you are an Introvert.

NOTE: You probably won’t have all of the qualities on the list, but one list will fit better than the other.

If you are still unsure, continue reading.

Since we all live in a culture biased towards extraversion, and your job and family demands may require you to function as an extrovert quite a bit, there are chances you may have developed an additional layer on your original self and which may make it difficult for you to decide which portrait seems more like you. If you are undecided, then ask these question to yourself :

  • “Am I refreshed more often after the quiet time (Introvert) or active time (Extrovert)?”
  • “Do I need more me-time (Introvert) or hanging around with friends and people (Extrovert) to recharge my batteries?”
  • “Does “work hard, party harder” (Extrovert) belongs to you or “work hard, enjoy with self” (Introvert) seems more like you?

If you are still uncertain, go ahead and take the longer, more detailed Self-Assessment for Introverts below.

This assessment is a detailed Self-Assessment for Introverts, and we assume you are here because you have not found your clear inclination from the Quick Self-Assessment for Introversion or Extraversion above.

Read it carefully before  taking the assessment

We recommend that you read the following suggestions before you take the detailed Self-Assessment for Introverts.

  • Take the assessment on a day when you are feeling relaxed and not stressed out
  • Pick a cozy, comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted
  • Consider each statement in terms of what is generally true or false for you, not how you wish you were or how you are some of the time
  • Don’t analyze or think too deeply about each statement, your first impression is usually the best


  • For an outside view of yourself, it can be enlightening to have a partner or friend answer for you. Compare your results with your friend’s or partner’s score. If the two tallies differ, talk about both of your views
  • If you are already in coaching, share the results with your coach and have a discussion over it

Answer the following questions T or F (True or False), then add up your True answers and check the scoring at the end of the list to see if you are an introvert, fall in the middle (ambivert) or are an extrovert.

Detailed Self-Assessment for Introverts

  • When I need to rest, I prefer to spend time alone or with one or two close people rather than with a group.

  • When I work on projects, I like to have larger uninterrupted time periods rather than smaller chunks.

  • I sometimes rehearse things before speaking, occasionally writing notes for myself.

  • In general, I like to listen more than I like to talk.

  • People sometimes think I’m quiet, mysterious, aloof, or calm.

  • I like to share special occasions, with just one person or a few close friends, rather than have big celebrations.

  • I usually need to think before I respond or speak.

  • I need to notice details many people don’t see.

  • If two people have just had a fight, I feel the tension in the air.

  • If I say I will do something, I almost always do it.

  • I feel anxious if I have a deadline or pressure to finish a project

  • I can “zone out” if too much is going on.

  • I like to watch the activity for a while before I decide to join it.

  • I form lasting relationships.

  • I don’t like to interrupt others; I don’t like to be interrupted as well.

  • When I take in lots of information, it takes me a while to sort it out.

  • I don’t like overstimulating environments. I can’t imagine why folks want to go to horror movies or go to roller coasters.

  • I sometimes have strong reactions to smells, tastes, foods, weather, noises, etc.

  • I am creative and/or imaginative.

  • I feel drained after social situations, even when I enjoyed myself.

  • I prefer to be introduced rather than to introduce others.

  • I can become irritated if I’m around people or activities too long.

  • I often feel uncomfortable in new surroundings.

  • I like people to come to my home, but I don’t like them to stay for too long.

  • I often dread returning phone calls.

  • I find my mind sometimes goes blank when I meet people when I am asked to speak unexpectedly.

  • I talk slowly or have gaps in my words, especially if I am tired or if I am trying to speak and think at once.

  • I don’t think of casual acquaintances as friends.

  • I feel as if I can’t show other people my work or ideas until they are fully formulated.

  • Other people may surprise me by thinking I am smarter than I think I am.

NOTE: Now re-read the statements above and add and add your TRUES and go to the next section below to see the result of your assessment.

Hope you have taken the above-detailed assessment as suggested:

  • On a day when you were feeling relaxed and not stressed out
  • Picked up a cozy, comfortable place and were not interrupted
  • Considered each statement in terms of what is generally true or false for you, not how you wish you were or how you are some of the time
  • Haven’t analyzed or thought too deeply about each statement. You took your first impression in consideration

So here is the reference score which will help you see where you fall in the  Extraversion-Introversion continuum. The score is the number of TRUES you have marked in the assessment.


You are a pretty darn introvert.

It is extremely important for you to understand how to keep your energy flowing and how your brain process information. You relate to life through your ideas, impressions, hopes, and values. You are not at the mercy of your external environment. 


  • You should focus on your strengths and understand the areas to work upon and not try to change yourself to someone else, especially don’t try to imitate and inculcate any seemingly impressive and attractive qualities of extroverts.
  • And if you are already in the Coaching process, you should discuss and share this result with your coach and he/she would definitely be able to help you use your inner knowledge, strength, and innate qualities to create your own path.


You are somewhere in the middle. An ambivert**

You are somewhere in the middle of the Introversion-Extraversion continuum. You may feel torn between needing to be alone and wanting to be out and about. You judge yourself by your own thoughts and feeling and by the standards of other people. This gives you a broad view, but at times you may get caught up in seeing both sides of a situation and not know where you stand. 


  • As you got caught up in seeing both sides of a situation it’s very helpful to notice when and how you consistently feel more energized.
  • It is important for you to learn to assess your temperament so you can maintain your energy and balance.
  • You can take help from your coach to learn to assess your temperament so you can maintain your energy and balance.


You are a more extrovert

You are on the extrovert end of the Introversion-Extraversion continuum. You judge yourself in the light of the values and reality of others.  You work within the bounds of what exists to bring about change. As you reach midlife and your body slows down, you may surprise yourself by wanting to take a break from socializing or needing time to yourself and then not knowing what to do.


  • You generally thrive on your extreme energy and have less need of friends in your most productive times. However, when your body slows down, you may require to have some break and also feel the need for some close friendships.
  • If you like you can take help from your coach in developing techniques to help you remember what is best for you to do when you need solitude and good relations.

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