Mahesh Sharma
Lets Connect

Online / offline training workshops modules


On this page you will discover the following. (For more details scroll down)


  • Learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques Workshops)
  • Temperament Workshops
  • The Strong Connection – Relationship Management workshop
  • YOUR LIFE, YOU DESIGN workshop
  • KNOW YOUR TRUE SELF workshop


  • EFT (Information and Discussion Sessions)
  • THE TEMPERAMENT EDGE – (Information and Discussion Sessions)
  • THE GRIT FACTOR (Information and Discussion Sessions)

Learn EFT

Take Charge of Your Emotional Health & Well-being

Online & offline Modules


EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, is a part of the emerging field of energy psychology, which is a combination of energy intervention with traditional psychotherapy. It is based on the discovery that energy imbalances are the cause of all diseases and discomfort and if we somehow learn to balance that energy imbalance, the physical disease and discomfort are also seen to fade away. EFT is evidence-based techniques that seem to be producing fast and long-lasting results in dealing with physical, emotional, and mental diseases and discomfort and is being used globally by experts, professional and common people alike. Here is this exclusive module you will learn the history, basics, and benefits of this technique and also start using it for your own selves or helping others in need with immediate effect.


For registration and more details of the content, methodology module facilitator you can visit this dedicated link here. Meanwhile, if you have any question query or concern please feel free to contact us.

learning solutions/EFT

Your Life, You Design


When we see all around us we see a huge number of people who are not living their lives, who are not enjoying what they are doing, who are cribbing, complaining and criticizing of things out of their control, who are not earning enough money, who are not finding a way to get out of the rut they are in and of course who are struggling so hard that they are burning out. Due to this their health is being affected, their relationships are becoming difficult, they are looking for answers elsewhere and becoming addicted and feeling victimized. And all this making them living a compromised, limited, and suffocate life.

“Your Life, You Design” is an effort to put things in perspective. To spread the message that wherever you are, in whatever condition under which situation, you can start designing your own life from now. You can get rid of limiting beliefs. You can align yourself with the laws of nature. You can be an attractor of abundance. And most of all you can take charge of your life back and live it fully.


For more details of the content, methodology, module facilitators, and registration you can visit this dedicated link here. Meanwhile, if you have any questions query or concerns please feel free to CONTACT US.

The Strong Connection

Develop The Art of Connecting with People, especially with Your Own Self


We are human beings first then anything else and that’s why we are emotional beings first then anything else. We are hardwired to connect to other human beings. We want people to understand us, respect us, trust us, and give us love. But beyond understanding, most of us are struggling in this part of life. We are finding it difficult to connect with loved ones. We are facing challenges in understanding others. We are finding it heartbreaking that no one understands us. And this all is making us lonely, aloof and many a time dry. And this all is making your lives unfulfilled and dry.  This exclusive workshop covers the most foundational aspect of our lives  – our longing for connection. This workshop is designed in a way to inspire and motivate you to build a strong connection with yourself first before others. This is the workshop that is being promoted as one of the foundational workshops to be attended by at least one person of every family for at least once in their lifetime.


For more details of the content, methodology, module facilitators, and registration you can visit this dedicated link  HERE.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions query or concerns please feel free to CONTACT  US.

Know Your True Self

Discover Inner Excellence

Online & offline Modules


An exclusive workshop covering the most foundational aspect of our lives, our Temperaments. Our temperaments are the innate behavioral traits that come with us from birth, remain with us till death, and almost influence every aspect of our lives. From driving skills to eating habits. From managing relationships to becoming productive at work. From dealing with stress and anxiety to live a positive and optimistic life. These temperaments are the foundational stone of how we behave and how we feel.  The main focus of this module is to felicitate awareness and understanding of this foundational aspect of our lives, what they are, how they are formed,  how to discover and identify our temperament, the innate strange and areas to work upon, dealing with others with different temperatures and personal excellence plan to enhance the strengths ad minimize the weaknesses of our own innate temperament.  This workshop is in many ways guarantees the shift of perspective of how we see ourselves and the world around us.


For more details of the content, methodology, module facilitators, and registration you can visit this dedicated link HERE.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions query or concerns please feel free to CONTACT US.

Achieving Personal Excellence

Become the best version of yourself


When seeing around we notice that most of us are not playing the game of life at our best.  Most of us are having much more potential inside of us then we think we have. Most of us are not performing at our peak. Most of us are not able to take advantage of our own personal excellence, which is present in every one of us. This dedicated workshop is designed to help in identify our own inner excellence and take the advantage of unique strengths and characteristics we already have inside of us. This workshop will take us deep inside and help us face our biggest fears and limiting beliefs, develop courage, and inspire us to take action towards our well-deserved destiny through achieving personal excellence.


For more details of the content, methodology, module facilitators, and registration you can visit this dedicated link here. Meanwhile, if you have any questions query or concerns please feel free to CONTACT US.