Meet Your Workshop facilitator
Brief Intro
Mr. Mahesh Sharma, Founder & Chief Mentor of Know Your True Self® Research Academy, is a Personal Performance Coach and EFT practitioner for more than a decade and has been researching in the fields of human behavior, emotions, and energy psychology. He is a passionate humanist and nature enthusiast. He is among the pioneer promoters of emotional health and well-being in the country. He considered EFT as one of the most helpful, effective, and non-manipulable methods to address the underlying negative unresolved emotions. It is easy to learn and understand and simple enough to be applied without any complex jargon or methodology or ritual. And in his views, these salient features make this method or similar methods, one of the most used methods to address the emotional causes of physical disease, discomfort, and underperformance in the arena of healing in the world today.
He has already conducted more than 150 physical and virtual workshops and introduced this method to thousands of individuals from various different fields. He considers EFT as one of the most effective tools in his Life and Personal Performance Coaching practice. He passionately engages with the participants in the workshop, whether physical or virtual and offers his exclusive after workshop support.
If you need some more information about him, his approach to coaching, and how can he be useful to those, who choose to appoint him as their coach, we will be glad to invite you to explore him further by clicking the following respective links. You can also connect with him by clicking on the appropriate link below and he will be more than happy to address your query or concern personally.
Have a great EFT module/workshop experience. Thanks for your time and attention.
While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it has only been in use in its current form since 1992. Therefore, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage. You are an expert on your own health, so please take full responsibility for your use of EFT. Mahesh Sharma is not a licensed health professional. He offers EFT as a certified NLP practitioner, EFT Expert, Behavioral & Relationship Counselor, and Personal Performance & Life Coach. Where appropriate, please consult your healthcare practitioners regarding your use of EFT. It is VITAL to note that you should not stop taking any prescribed medications, nor alter your dosage, without the advice of the prescribing physician.