Our Outside (World) is the
Exact Reflection of our Inside (World).

Know Your True Self® Research Academy (KYTS Research) – Founder Mahesh Sharma
hereinafter called as KYTS Research, is a research, coaching, training, and community sharing entity of Know Your True Self® Group (KYTS Group) with a mission to promote, educate, coach, research & share with the masses the information, insights, and latest discoveries in the fields of Human Inherent Behaviour, Mind-body connection, Emotional Health & Wellbeing, Energy Psychology, Leadership, Self-growth, Human potential development, and spirituality.
It is dedicated and committed to spreading awareness and understanding of the subtle level information and insights of the inner world of us human beings to the masses in such a way that the knowledge, research, discoveries, and insights of these principles help them live a life of peace, prosperity, and significance. And by doing so KYTS Research is also aiming at bridging the gap among life’s social, material, and spiritual aspects so as to make this world a better place to live by having a holistic view of humanity.
Life is simple. We make it complicated.
Life is actually the simplest of all. When we closely monitor nature we are in for great surprises. Nature works by itself. It has been there before anyone of us. Just observe in daily life that we don’t need to do anything to bring the seed out of the earth to become a tree and give birth to more trees. We don’t have to do anything for the wind to blow, the sun to rise, the body to digest food, and heal itself. We don’t have to worry about breathing at a certain interval. And even at a big level, we don’t have to do anything for our galaxy to stay afloat. So when we observe closely we find that things and activities in nature are happening automatically without any intervention or help of human beings. Rather when we intervene we are making things complex and ruining the natural path of nature.
Understand, observe and apply
And that’s where KYTS Research helps individuals and groups to let them have a look at the research in various fields related to the body, mind, heart, and soul of human beings without being technically complex and without using difficult jargon. By being close to nature and by going with the flow of natural intelligence we learn more to live with peace and harmony with nature, than by making things complex by using our mind and manipulation.
By observing, discovering, and acknowledging the highest intelligence of nature, we are actually going back to basics without making things complicated and without becoming an obstruction in nature’s path.
So here in KYTS Research when we talk about seemingly complex things like mind-body connection, human inherent behavior, energy intervention, energy psychology or spirituality we will take utmost care that we go the simplest way so that we can acknowledge and accept the way nature wants us to be its important and inseparable part, rather than an investigator or reformer.
Mahesh Sharma
Founder & Chief Mentor
Know Your True Self Research Academy (KYTS Research)
Information | Knowledge | Insights
Here at Know Your True Self® Research Academy (KYTS Research) we understand that the insights are the only source of real understanding, not the information and knowledge. Therefore we make sure that the insights in the fields we are researching in, should make sense to common people and they can use that knowledge, information, and insights in making their daily lives more significant and meaningful.
We encourage people to do their own homework to satisfy their own logical emotional and intellectual curiosity. Because here at KYTS Research, we believe that until and unless people have their own logical, emotional, intellectual, and intuitional hunger satisfied by themselves, they move forward on the path of their inner growth journey. We invite different views on one subject so that we can see it holistically and can know the other side of the coin too. We also give preference to the practitioner’s aspect of the subject we are researching in and always take the curious approach to know the roots of the subject.
At KYTS Research, we are more inclined towards celebrating nature, humanity, and spirituality rather than only discovering, exploring, and observing. And we believe that the more we are in a state of submission and surrender with nature, the more we are able to connect with it deeply and strongly. Staying grounded and living simply is our philosophy.
Research Fields
We choose our research fields by keeping in mind one simple thing. Is it important and useful for common people to know, understand, and implement the insights of the field? Keeping this straightforward and simple objective in mind we are currently researching in the following fields and are open to new fields in the course of time :
- Temperaments – Human Inherent Behaviour Traits
- Emotional Health and Wellness
- Emotional Intelligence
- EFT -Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Life Coaching
- Mind-Body connection
- Energy Psychology
- Meditation
- Mindfulness
- Spirituality
- Universal Laws of Nature
- Law of Attraction
- Energy Science
- NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Compassion
- Passion
- Nature
we, at Know Your True Self® Research Academy (KYTS Research) are dedicated and committed to bringing the best version of human nature in action in order to make sure we live our lives to the fullest, nurture great families and contribute in building happy & compassionate communities.
Meaning of Logo and Tagline of Know Your True Self® Research Academy

We welcome all the fellow travelers on this amazing journey, called life, to share their ideas, their insights, and their experiences to other fellow human being to create an environment of trust, compassion, courage, love and happiness.