the temperament edge

Decoding The Most Powerful Influence on Our Behavior and Personality

A workshop on understanding Inherent Human Temperament and its impact on almost everything we do including how well we get along with others, especially with those who are not like us.


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Understanding Inherent Human Temperament and its impact on almost everything we do

When we understand our true nature, when we understand why we do the things we do, when we understand why others are different than us and when we understand that this is because of our inherent nature, then only we start seeing the world in a very different way. Then only we start to understand the strange dynamics of relationships. Then only we find peace with our own selves. Then only we start loving and accepting ourselves. And then only we start to develop a deep, satisfying and progressive relationship with others.
Through this workshop on Inherent Temperament, I would like to share with you how we are hardwired from birth to behave in a certain way, how our temperament affects almost everything we do in our lives, why we can’t change our inborn temperament, and why we should know and understand ourselves first if we want to have good relationships, progressive career, and satisfied and meaningful life.

Through this workshop, I would like not only to introduce the concept of Temperament but highly encourage you to use this in your daily life and make the world a better place to live.

Salient features of the workshop

What you will learn and experience :



We have heard these many times, but do we really believe that we are unique, we are different, or we are special?

And if we do believe – Do we act on this understanding in our daily personal and professional lives?
And even if we do act accordingly, are we able to see the world in its true sense rather than from our own viewpoint alone?

It’s easy to understand that we are unique and there is no one exactly like us in the world. But it is equally important to understand that others are also unique and there is no one else like them in the world too. Every one of us sees the world as we are not as the world in its true sense. And that is the biggest cause of conflicts. That is the main reason for misunderstandings for those who don’t think or act like us. 
When we understand that we have certain innate behavior traits, we are born with, which impact our actions, personality, and choices in a big way than any other learned behavior, we also understand that everyone we deal with is also the same. And when we see the world like this, we find that nobody is wrong in the world, except a few, we are different. And being different is not wrong. And this is the beginning of the development of deep empathy, which is the most useful, required, and important quality we can have as humans.


  • Our existence consists of two factors – Outer Personality Traits (molded by society & environment) and Inborn Personality Traits (the behaviors we are born with). Inborn Personality Traits, though not seen, greatly influence our outer personalities, our perception, our decision-making, our habits, our outlook, and even our thought patterns
  • Our Inborn Personality Traits have a huge influence on our relationships with our spouse, kids, business partners, co-workers, relatives & friends and above all, with our own self
  • There is a great correlation between our Inborn Personality Traits, our health, and our overall well-being.
  • Why our romantic partner is mostly is of the opposite personality?
  • We can’t and should not try to change our Inborn Personality Traits like the color of our eyes, but we must and can be a better version of ourselves by enhancing our inborn strength and minimizing the weak areas?
  • Our Inborn Personality Traits greatly influence our parenting style, our job preference, our career, our anger management, stress and anxiety management, our relationships with others who are not like us, our love life, and even our connection with almighty
  • Our self-limiting beliefs and thought patterns, which are greatly influenced by our Inborn Personality Traits, are the biggest blocks not only in our own progress but the progress of our spouse, kids, and even colleagues.
In this intensive workshop based on extensive and proven studies in the fields of behavioral sciences and emotional excellence to understand self, connect with others, and leverage full potential in all fields of life; be it with self, relationships, or even business and profession, we will know, understand and experience the following :


You may find answers to the above questions, observations, and :
  • Understand how we humans are hardwired to behave in a certain way.
  • Know The invisible factors of our innate nature which impact almost every aspect of our lives from relationships to career choices, from discovering and following our passion to happiness factor.
  • Understand The difference of personality and temperament and its impact on relationships, career, family, and self-esteem.
  • Get the assessment of your own temperament – The simple way.
  • Understand our inborn temperamental blends and our unique inborn behavioral characteristics.
  • Identify our true strengths and areas to work upon
  • Get suggestions to improve upon our weak areas and enhance our inborn strengths.
  • Get a different perspective on the basis of conflicts and maintaining and developing deep relationships with self and others
  • Get practical tips on how to reclaim your relationships with those who matter to you – your spouse, kids, colleagues, customers, bosses, partners, and peers.
  • Understand deeply how to get along with those who are different than you – at work, at home, and as a human being.
  • Get to understand how this temperament understanding can be used at the workplace, building strong effective teams, enhance communication among team members, and placing the right person in the right spot!
  • Get the template to deal effectively with difficult personalities at home, work, and in society.
  • Understand the connection of temperaments with health and emotional well-being.
  • Have a valuable different perspective to see the world around us and to create the best version of ourselves.

Initiate the process of creating a personalized roadmap for self-actualization and personal effectiveness.


  • Individual personality profile identification with suggestions to improve
  • A brief relationship management session during the workshop for couples
  • Temperament correlation with physical and emotional health


  • Anyone who has a curiosity and zeal to understand self, work on self and improve
  • Business owners who are inclined and open to exploring their core nature
  • Professionals who are looking forward to better relationships at work
  • Introverts who are feeling deep stress and anxiety
  • Extroverts who need to understand their audiences
  • Coaches and counselors who want to help their clients
  • People managers who want to know how to deal effectively with different personalities

Exclusive after session support

With experience, we understand that only knowledge is not understanding and only understanding is not practicing. And we keep this aspect in mind in designing every module. Any workshop or seminar or online training is not effective or complete if we don’t put that learning and insights into practice. We understand that unless we put that knowledge and learning into practice, experience it, note questions and queries that arise from those experiences, and share those experiences to develop insights, we will not be able to reap the benefits of that method or technique, or modality. As we focus on not sharing only information but helping develop your insights, we know how important it is to share experiences and ask questions to gain more clarification.

In the last more than a decade of experience in using temperament studies in practice, we developed this One-Month schedule after completion of the module. This period is very crucial not only to gain insights after putting your learning into practice but also to internalize those understanding and principles on which this TEMPERAMENT workshop is based on.

The following will be provided to all participants, along with this two-days workshop which includes the following :

  • (1) WhatsApp support to ask questions and seek clarification while putting the method into practice
  • (1) Email support for sharing and articulating those experiences in details provides depth in the learning
  • FREE membership of weekly group session
  • (1) FREE 30 minutes exclusive one to one on-demand coaching/counseling sessions within 20 days from the completion date of the module to address the specific issue you are dealing with
    • NOTE 1: Individual one-to-one coaching sessions, if required will be at heavily discounted prices for the participants of the workshop
    • NOTE 2: Coaching long-term packages (two and three months and more) are also available for getting specific results and seek specific changes
  • (2) Complimentary Know Your True Self Research Academy** for one year
  • (3) Complimentary SARTRAC Global** Silver membership

(1) This after workshop exclusive support is provided personally by the session facilitator Mr. Mahesh Sharma. He will be in connection with you personally.
(2) **Know Your True Self Research Academy** is the research portal headed by Mr. Mahesh Sharma and working in the fields of the emotional, mind-body connection, leadership and temperaments
(3) **SARTRAC Global
is an organization focused to provide Wholistic wellness solutions to its members via its expert panel, which includes experts from the fields of Finance, Relationships, Emotional & physical wellness, creativity, women-centric initiatives, social causes, and self-help.


Introduction to the temperament workshop for those who want to know what they are going to experience. A live recording of the Introduction session with an elite group, presented here for your information.

Temperament Workshop Registration Fee, Venue, Date & Timing Details

Online Module Sep-Oct 2024

2 DAYS.  (3.0 Hrs EACH)

Sep 2024, SESSIONS 

21-22 Sep 24 (Sat – Sun)

03:00 – 06:00 PM

Venue: Online
(Zoom or Google Meet link will be sent to you on the morning of the event

Exclusive invitation form for the above FREE discussion and information session

2 DAYS.  (3.0 Hrs EACH)

Oct 2024, SESSIONS 

19-20 Oct 24 (Sat – Sun)

03:00 – 06:00 PM

Venue: Online
(Zoom or Google Meet link will be sent to you on the morning of the event)



INR 5000/- 2500/-** per participant
INR 8000/- 4000/-** per couple
INR 1000/- For repeat participants


USD 250  175** per participant
USD 450  300** per couple
USD 50  For repeat participants

** Note: Please note that the participation fee is inclusive of

  • WhatsApp, email support for the next 30 days after the workshop
  • An exclusive groups follow up sessions within 30 days after the workshop
  • One personal one-to-one session with the facilitator and coach Mr. Mahesh Sharma, if required
  • Complimentary invitation to FREE weekly group discussion session
  • Certificate of participation and completion
  • Lifetime Download access to workshop video recording
  • lifetime membership of  Know Your True Self® Research Academy
  • and on-demand personal coaching sessions at heavily discounted prices


If you are unable to afford the fees but a keen seeker & believer of self-growth, mind-body connection, and power of thoughts, please feel free to connect and have an honest and open discussion to find some way out.


IST: If New Delhi Time (00:01 am)
GMT: UK time (06:31 pm yesterday)
ET: US Eastern/New York Time (02:31 pm yesterday)
PT: US Pacific/Los Angeles Time (11:31 am yesterday)



If you would like to take the session individually, please contact here with some details 

Here is the add-on that you will get with Personal Workshop Sessions :

  • Choice of date and timing (24 x 7)
  • 3 Days 2 Hrs sessions
  • The customised approach according to your own style and temperament
  • 24×7 WhatsApp support for a month after the workshop
  • 2 Personal coaching sessions for 45 minutes each in a month with a gap of 15 days
  • Exclusive 25% discount on every other workshop organised by the academy
  • Exclusive 25% discount on my future personal coaching assignment
  • Life membership of Know Your True Self Research Academy
  • FEE :
    • 7500/- per participant (all inclusive) 
    • 13500/- per couple (all-inclusive)


If you are a group of THREE OR MORE participants, here you can ask for the timing and date of your choice for the session and if available, it will be provided to you, please contact here with some details 

Here is the add-on that you will get with Closed Group Sessions :

  • Choice of date and timings
  • 3 Days 2 Hrs sessions
  • 24×7 WhatsApp support for a month after the workshop
  • 2 exclusive group follow up sessions for 1 hour each in a month with a gap of 7 days
  • Exclusive 20% discount on every other workshop organised by the academy
  • Exclusive 20% discount on my future personal coaching assignment
  • Life membership of Know Your True Self Research Academy
  • FEE :
    • 6000/- per participant (all-inclusive)

For more information about your workshop facilitator, please continue to scroll down 

mahesh sharma

Meet Your Workshop facilitator

Brief Intro

Mr. Mahesh Sharma, Founder & Chief Mentor of  Know Your True Self® Research Academy, is a Personal Performance Coach, Temperament Expert, EFT practitioner for more than a decade and has been researching in the fields of human behavior, emotions, and energy psychology. He is a passionate humanist and nature enthusiast. He is among the pioneer promoters of emotional health and well-being in the country.  He has been in the filed of human inherent behaviour for last more than two decades and conducted more than 200 physical and virtual workshop on the subject and uses it as his one of the primary tools in his personal coaching sessions.

If you need some more information about him, his approach to coaching, and how can he be useful to those, who choose to appoint him as their coach, we will be glad to invite you to explore him further by clicking the following respective links. You can also connect with him by clicking on the appropriate link below and he will be more than happy to address your query or concern personally.

Have a great workshop experience. Thanks for your time and attention.


While researchers and psychologist are studying the inherent behavior traits for hundreds of years, the approach we share here is exclusively based on the base of all behaviour and temperament theories. Mahesh Sharma is not a licensed behavioural psychologist and he offers this insights , information and knowledge through his own first hand experiences, research in the field and as a Internationally certified LIFE Purpose & Personal Performance Coach. 


Important Notes for Online / Offline Training Modules

Notes for Online training Module 


  • After filling the registration form a payment page link/ details of payment will be sent along with participation confirmation mail
  • You need to then deposit the fee of the event through the page link/ other payment options and once your payment is received your registration is confirmed for the chosen event
  • The workshop online platform link will also be shared with you with the instructions to set it up. Generally, we use Zoom, Go To Meeting or Google tools for the online workshops
  • A maximum of 15 participants will be invited to one workshop.
  • If more than 15 registrations received, the rest of the participants will be shifted to the next scheduled event after taking their permission
  • It is recommended that you use a headset for the workshop and keep a noting pad or general alongside
  • Registration exclusively by invitation only
NOTE : For any query, concern and suggestions you are welcomed in the session. Please feel free to contact us for details. 

Notes for Offline Training Module 

  • After filling the registration form a payment page link/ details of payment will be sent along with participation confirmation mail
  • You need to then deposit the fee of the event through the page link/ other payment options and once your payment is received your registration is confirmed for the chosen event
  • You are suggested to reach the workshop venue at least 15 minutes early and take your seats there.
  • A maximum of 15 participants will be invited to one workshop.
  • If more than 15 registrations received, the rest of the participants will be shifted to the next scheduled event after taking their permission
  • You don’t need to bring anything with you except the mindset of learning and curiosity to understand the subject deeply
  • Registration exclusively by invitation only
NOTE : For any query, concern and suggestions you are welcomed in the session. Please feel free to contact us for details. 

Cancellation & refund policy

  • General cancellation of your registration until 3 days before the session will be given a full refund of your money in your designated account which you will provide to us
  • 50% refund will be granted if you cancel within 1 and 3 days of the session
  • No refund is granted if you just do not show up or cancel within 24 hours of the session
  • In special cases where due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances happens and you have to drop the session, the full refund would be provided