coaching for introverts

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Exclusive One-to-One coaching for Introverts

Welcome to this Exclusive Place

Hi, This is Mahesh Sharma.

Glad to have you on this exclusive page of my life coaching for introverts. As you are on this page I believe either you yourself are co-relating with the word introvert or with someone in your close circle. I also believe that whatever the case may be, you are looking forward to answers which are related to the introvert nature and its mysteries, and also thinking about some change, improvement, and enhancement in the current state of affairs.

Though I believe you already have some idea about what introversion means or what this inherent behavior trait brings with it in your life, I will still try to give answers to most of your queries and curiosity regarding Introversion or Introvert Nature. I encourage you to invest some of your precious time on this page to explore further so that you can make the informed decision to take the next step to achieve your desired goals of increased confidence, enhanced self-esteem, understanding relationships, effective dealing with the extrovert world and to operate from the best version of yourself.

You can continue to scroll down to know and understand where I am coming from, why I choose to Coach introverts, whats in it for you and why you should consider discussing with me your challenges. 


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My own experiences with Introversion

Being an introvert myself, I can say with my own hands-on experience, my own share of failures & mistakes, my own lack of self-respect & confidence and my own difficulties and dilemmas while facing this extrovert inclined world around me, that most of the introverts are not operating from their best version. They are not being able to utilize their full potential. They are settling for less. They are compromising more. They are not focusing on their hidden strengths. If I want to put it in one word, they are living a life way below their potential, capacities, and abilities. 

Why I chose to work with and coach introverts

A challenging journey

This has been a very difficult, challenging, and tough but highly rewarding journey for me till now. I personally experienced how limiting my life had been for years. How I felt suffocated and choked many times for not being able to express. How I felt left behind when comparing the fast-paced world around me. How I felt demotivated, low, and less deserving when not able to deal with dominating, powerful, and result-oriented workaholic extroverts – both in work and in my personal life. And how I even felt many times just to quit chasing my dreams and settle for whatever average life I had been living.

A shift in perspective

But now when I look back from my today, I feel blessed, fulfilled, satisfied, and living my life with meaning and significance. Challenges are still there, some even bigger and more complex, difficulties still arise and failures are still a part of my life but my way of seeing them has changed. My perspective has shifted. My body language has changed and my way of thinking has changed. I am still the same introvert but now playing on my strengths and taking my weaknesses as areas to improve. 

A journey worth every challenge and difficulty

But this change has not come instantly. It took time for me to reach here. It took lots of introspection, contemplation, action, and out of the comfort zone thinking.  But the price I paid to get my life back is very little in comparison to what I gain. And that’s what I want to share with all my introvert fellow travelers of this journey called life. I not only want to convey that they can too, get their life back. But also that they can achieve deserved success in their chosen fields. They can also find meaning and significance in their work. They can also have great relationships with people around them especially the well-meaning straightforward, dominating, powerful, result-oriented, workaholics extroverts. And above all they can also live their lives fully and not just let it pass.

A ray of solid hope

Today when I see those who are struggling with themselves, who have given up on their dreams, who are living a life of compromise, who have compromised on their desires, who have become numb for enthusiasm and possibilities of better future, who are constantly living under pressure and who have settled for a life which is far below of their potential I understand how they must be feeling. And that understanding gives me a reason to share with them my journey. Help them shift their perspective. Assist them in managing their lives well. Challenge them to come out of their comfort zone. Showing them the possibilities of a beautiful, meaningful, happy, satisfied, and significant life ahead. And re-ignite the flame of passion supported by courage to take charge of their life back.

A proven and customised approach

And for doing that in a way that is not only specifically suitable to their introvert nature but also makes sure that they inspire themselves from their inner core, with the experience of working with more than hundred individuals in a one to one coaching set up and after having an in-depth study of introvert temperaments for more than two decades, I have found a way to help and assist them faster and with deeper impact. And I converted that finding, that way into a simple system that I consistently use in my coaching practice.

This system does not only help introverts to live their own life in their own terms, identify their true strengths and areas of great potential but also felicitate them to develop their own way of living their lives with significance, meaning happiness, and true joy.

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